Tinnitus Test

  • How long have you had tinnitus?

  • How long does an occurrence of your ringing in the ear persist?

  • Where do you hear the ringing?

  • What is the rhythm of your ear ringing?

  • How much are you influenced by your ear ringing?

  • Have you suffered or been exposed to any of the following situations?

  • Which of these treatment methods have you already tried?

  • Have you already consulted a doctor regarding your ear ringing?

  • Are you currently receiving treatment for any other kind of illness

  • Have you taken any prescription medication for a long time?

  • Does your ear ringing lead to sleep difficulties?

  • Independent of the stress from tinnitus do you have other stress? (work, private, trauma etc.)

  • Is your ability to concentrate affected by your tinnitus?

  • Do you exercise or perform sports regularly?

  • Which of these things do you consume regularly?

  • Have you become more sensitive to noises since your onset of tinnitus?

  • Since the onset of your tinnitus do you try to avoid any of the following situations?

  • Do you often experience tension or strain in the neck area?

  • Push your lower jaw as far forward as possible, remain in this position for 5 seconds. Push your lower jaw back as far as possible again stay in this position for 5 seconds.

  • Push your lower jaw slightly forward. Open your mouth and move your jaw from left to right, hold each side for 5 seconds.

  • Stretch your head back as far as possible, and hold for 5 seconds. Now stretch forward and hold for 5 seconds.

  • Bring your head forward as far as possible; now try to turn your head to the right. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Then turn your head to the left and hold again for 5 seconds.

  • With two fingers push the area between earlobes and throat muscles for 5 seconds, alternate between left and right.

  • With two fingers lightly push the area above your larynx (where you can feel your pulse) for 5 seconds on both the right and left sides. (WARNING : never push both sides as the same time)