No tinnitus (also known as ringing in the ears) is the same as another. How do I find out what treatment and what aid is right for me?
Tinnitus Self-help
What should you do when it whistles, rings, roars or drones in your ear?
Whoever suffers from tinnitus often loses the zest for life and hope for recovery. This does not have to be!
Our goal is to give you the best possible overview of the treatment possibilities for tinnitus and for similar inner ear disorders, such as partial deafness due to tinnitus, ear pressure, dizziness (morbus Ménière, vertigo), acute hearing loss and hearing distortion. In collaboration with affected persons and with specialists we are researching and developing new forms of therapy and evaluating their chances of success.
Results from a new study show that almost a quarter of the population has already experienced a “ringing in the ears” at one time or other. Almost 10% hear these sounds in their ears uninterruptedly for five minutes or longer. With 3% one can speak of chronic tinnitus. The earlier treatment begins, the greater the chances of a successful cure.
The most important and encouraging information is the fact that tinnitus has a benign cause in 99% of all cases. It can be regarded as a natural risk of modern living and a part of the aging process. Do not lose hope. With our years of experience, we’ve been able to help with success over 50,000 affected people. We will try to advise you objectively and to inform you about the most promising of the treatment possibilities.