Clinical Studies
about low level lasers for various applications
Low-Level-Laser Therapy for control of vertigo in Ménière Disease
Teggi R., MD, Bellini C., MD, Fabiano B., MD, Bussi M., MD ENT Dep. IRRCS San Raffaele Hospital, Vita-Salute University Milan, Italy
Objective: to assess the efficacy of Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Ménière’s Disease (MD)
Methods: twenty patients with unilateral MD were included in the study; all presented with uncontrolled vertigo. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: group 1 patients received LLLT , 20 min. a day with Tinnitool EarLaser for 6 months while group 2 received betahistine 16 mg. twice a day for 6 months…
Results: Compared to the baseline the number and duration of events were significantly reduced in both groups; statistical significance was detected from the three months control in both groups (p<0.05 with the multiple pair comparison test). Betahistine seems to have a faster action in events reduction (p<0.05 comparing the 3-months results between the two groups). Audiometric exam did not show statistically significant difference between the two groups.
Conclusions: In our experience LLLT seems to prevent vertigo events in MD, although results indicated that it has a slower action that betahistine. Dose-dependent therapeutic effects could explain the last result. In our opinion, increased blood flow in the inner ear could be the main mechanism leading to the therapeutic results.
Hyperacusis are improving after irradiation with Photobiostimulating Laser
Prósper J., Hack E.
The objective of our study was to confirm photobiological effects and some molecular mechanisms and other photobiomodulation researchers. Our prospective study on 57 patients who were suffering from hyperacusis and several other inner ear disorders such as Morbus Ménière and tinnitus was conducted using laser therapy, based upon photobiostimulation.
The results confirm that hyperacusis as a disorder more susceptible to a poor cochlear condition than of other known neurophysiological processes. After therapy all patients had an improvement or a total recovery both on their hyperacusis and often also on other inner ear disorders such as tinnitus, Ménière’s disease and
vertigo. We are absolutely sure that photobiological effects and Laser Photo-Therapy, involved in the cochlear homeostasis, opens a new approach for the management of hyperacusis and other inner ear disorders.
Expert Opinion: Behandlung von Narben und Keloiden mit dem BeautyLaser
Prof. Dr. med. R.G. Panizzon
…insbesondere bei Narben, hypertrophen Narben und Keloiden war die abflachende und entzündungshemmende Wirkung frappant. Die Patienten haben dieses Gerät gerne angeschafft und die Behandlung selber weitergeführt.
Expert Opinion: Behandlung von Herpes, Aphten, Schmerzen und Wundheilung mit dem MedicLaser
Dr. med. Bernhard Wagner
…zur Therapie wird der Medic Laser in der Praxis bei Herpes labialis, Aphten, postoperative Schmerzen und Wundheilungsstörungen eingesetzt. Immer wieder bestätigen die Patienten die exzellenten Resultate durch die wundheilungsbeschleunigenden analgetischen Effekte der Laserbestrahlung…
Expert Opinion: Energiepsychologie und -psychotherapie mit dem BeautyLaser
Psychologe, Psychotherapeut Willem Lammers
…werden Akupunkturmeridiane mit Hilfe von Laserlicht stimuliert, zwecks Stressreduktion und Linderung psychischer und psychosomatischer Beschwerden. Nach unserer Erfahrung verfügt der Beauty Laser genau über die richtige Wellenlänge und Intensität um die gewünschte Wirkung zu erreichen…
Expert Opinion: Behandlung von Falten, Akne, Narben und Herpes mit dem BeautyLaser
Dr. med. Peter Meyer
…Narben, Keloid-Narben, kleine Falten, Schwangerschaftsstreifen, Akne und Bibeli verschwanden nach ein bis zwei Monaten intensiver Behandlung. Hartnäckig wiederkehrende Fieberblässchen (z.B. Herpes), sind nach der zweiten Behandlungsphase nicht wieder aufgetreten…