Therapy possibilities

Self-treatment with soft laser for hay fever (pollen allergy)


CHF 540,00

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CHF 720,00

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This patented Swiss soft laser technology has so far been used primarily for the treatment of tinnitus (and similar diseases of the inner ear). With just a few adjustments, the TinniTool-MedicLaser can also be used for the treatment of hay fever. The new system allows very effectively to strengthen the immune system of the respiratory channels to certain plant pollen, which can achieve remarkable results in hay fever. The pollen is absorbed through the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Photodynamic disinfection has a preventive effect and minimizes the allergic reaction of the nose.

With the new generation of lasers, it has now been possible for the first time to achieve an efficiency that comes close to that of professional lasers and can be safely used at home without specialist knowledge. The new MedicLaser has a 20x higher efficiency than today’s existing soft lasers. Thus significantly better and faster results can be achieved. Even with shorter treatment times. The soft laser system consists of the MedicLaser (100mW power and 660nm wavelength) and the trunk with diffusor (fiber optic light guide with new diffusion lens).

The MedicLaser is available in two versions:

The MultiLaser is the complete version, for inner ear complaints and multi-functional:
• MedicLaser
• 2 x CR123 rechargeable batteries
• Battery charger
• Power cable
• Ear attachment
• Nose attachment
• Acupuncture attachment
• Surface attachment

The EarLaser4 is the light version, mainly suitable for treating inner ear complaints:
• MedicLaser
• 2 x CR123 Lithium batteries
• Ear attachment
-> The accessories of the MultiLaser can be retrofitted for the EarLaser4 at any time.

According to various studies, the attachments can be used for several treatment options. Therefore we would like to offer you a book (Advisory) for free download, which explains the following application possibilities:
• The Ear attachment is used for treating tinnitus yourself and similar inner ear disorders, such as partial deafness due to tinnitus, ear pressure, dizziness, acute hearing loss and hearing distortion.
• The nose attachment is used to treat flu and hay fever.
• The acupuncture attachment can be used for laser acupuncture.
• The surface attachment is used for the treatment of eczema, epicondylitis, wrinkles, fissures, fractures, joint pains, skin lesions, herpes, scars, pustules, striea, tendinitis, burns, wounds, strains and many more.

The treatment is completely safe and painless. The laser beam even penetrates the deeper subcutaneous layers and works as curative bio-stimulation directly on the metabolism in the connective tissue. This leads to rapid regeneration of the hearing cells, stimulation of the immune system, acceleration of cell division and activation of specific defensive molecules. More than 50,000 affected persons have already been treated with this system.

Many disorders arise through a deficiency of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the cell energy necessary for life. ATP is a key substance in our cells. The mitochondria (cell power-plants) provide ATP energy for the cell processes through glucose combustion. ATP deficiency leads to cell damage and destruction in the end, but concentrated MedicLaser light (660 nm wavelength) stimulates glucose combustion to improve the ATP supply. This special laser beam system can therefore accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells in the auditory system.

The principle of the trunk on the laser is to project the needed energy from the MedicLaser concentratedly and precisely on the ailing area by means of an elaborate fibreglass cable. Due to the perfect positioning of the trunk the laser beam can reach the zone more exactly.

The laser treatment underwent successful long-term testing in hospitals and in physician practices. It was submitted to extensive medical tests and proven scientifically by various medical studies. The safety and effect of the EarLaser were attested and certified medically. Under no circumstances does the treatment with the TinniTool-Softlaser replace the medical therapy or medical procedures. However, you’ll get speedy recovery by using the Softlaser in addition to the medical procedure.

 Suitable with symptoms like:
• Acute and chronic tinnitus since 3 years
• Partial deafness due to tinnitus
• Morbus Ménière (dizziness)
• Acute hearing loss and hearing distortion
• Consequences of a middle ear inflammation
• Circulatory problem in the inner ear

In the case of chronic tinnitus, sleep disturbances and difficulty in relaxation, the treatment should be accompanied by the acoustic therapy.

The TinniTool Lasers can either be purchased or rented for a period of three months (from CHF 270.-). Rental occurs only per payment in advance, cash on delivery or credit card. If you should be convinced about laser therapy afterwards and wish subsequently to purchase the device, we will deduct from the invoice the rental amount already remunerated.

Technical data:
Output power: 100 mW
Wavelength: 660 nm
Treatment time: ca. 2 minutes per day
Skin penetration: ca. 1.8 cm
Warranty: 2 years
Battery operation: 2 x 3,5V (CR123)
Laser protection class: 1
Medical device class: IIa
Medical device testing: CE (Europe), CB (International), ETL (USA/Canada)
Patents: CH (699352), EU (06761280.4), Intern. (PCT/CH  2006/000429)
Pharmacode (Galexis): MedicLaser 230 29 23 / EarLaser 3471289

TinniTool EarLaser4: CHF 540.- / EUR 490.-
or rental for three months: CHF 270.- (only possible within Switzerland)
TinniToolMultilaser: CHF 720.-/ EUR 650.-
or rental for three months: CHF 360.-  (only possible within Switzerland)