30 Barada Street
Jabbal Amman, 3rd Circle
PO Box 831213
11183 Amman Jordan
T: 00962 / (0)6 463 42 32
F: 00962 / (0)6 463 42 34
E: info(at)tcms-jo.com
I: www.tcms-jo.com
Near East
Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, United Arabian Emirates, Qatar, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Libya, Bahrain, Kuwait, Sudan
Tamer Corporation for Medical Supplies
Medent Group
Mordey Hagetaot 110
84206 Beer-Sheva Israel
T: 00972 / (0)8 623 79 84
F: 00972 / (0)8 623 72 87
E: i.traitel(at)medent.co.il
I: www.medent.co.il
Sultanate of Oman, Muscat
Sulieman Bin Saif Bin Nasser Al-Mahrooqui Trad.
Building no. 1125, Way no: 4912 Al-Hamriya, Muscat
PO Box 513 Al-Hamriya, Postcode: 131
Sultanate of Oman
T: 0968 / 24837858
F: 0968 / 24833825
E: suleman3(at)omantel.net.om
Masoud Saedi
No.5, WSonbol St., Farmanieh Ave.,
T: 0098 / (0)912 132 91 91
E: masoud_saedi(at)yahoo.com
T: 0098 / (0)912 132 91 91
E: masoud_saedi(at)yahoo.com
Kipa Co.
405 Felestin Ave
T: 0098 / (0)21 888 078 44
E: mojtahedi(at)kipaco.com
Hearing Clinic
7-G, Queens Centre
33, Queens Road
Lahore – Pakistan
T: 0092 / (0)42 755 13 43
F: 0092 / (0)42 753 14 21
E: masood(at)hearingclinic.com.pk
33, Queens Road
Lahore – Pakistan
T: 0092 / (0)42 755 13 43
F: 0092 / (0)42 753 14 21
E: masood(at)hearingclinic.com.pk