Études cliniques
Thérapie sonore
Neuro-Musique thérapie avec acouphènes augue
Miriam Grapp, Elisabeth Hutter, Heike Argstatter, Peter K. Plinkert, Université Heidelberg
The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the neuro-music therapy approach as a new treatment option for tinnitus augue. A total of 15 patients with tinnitus participated. The comparison between the beginning and end of treatment showed a significant improvement. With the Jacobson and Truax measurement method, 73.3% of patients showed a proven reduction according to the TQ-questionnaire. Neuromusical therapy seems to be a treatment option for patients with tinnitus augue.
Effet différé de thérapie neuro-musique chez des patients avec d’acouphènes chroniques
Miriam Grapp, Elisabeth Hutter, Heike Argstatter, Peter K. Plinkert, Université Heidelberg
The neuro-music therapy device with chronic tinnitus is a short-term therapy. It consists of nine 50-minute sessions over the next five days. It has also been shown to be effective in reducing tinnitus symptoms in a short period of time. Now he is exploring the long-term effect of therapy. With of the 206 patients neuro-music therapy was tested. 76% of the patients experienced a significant improvement in their tinnitus. 87% of the patients were satisfied with the therapy. 71% of patients do not require continued therapy. Music therapy seems to be effective in the long term with chronic tinnitus.
La thérapie sonore/musicale réduit les acouphènes par la diminution de l’activité de l’ouïe-cortex
Hidehiko Okamoto, Henning Stracke, Wolfgang Stoll, Christo Pantev, Wilhelms-Université Münster
The researchers have filtered precisely the frequencies of the music that correspond to the frequency of the tinnitus. The aim was to calm the damaged hearing cells with their modulated music. The result: All patients in the group with individualized music confirmed that they had seen significant improvement. The ringing in the ears has calmed down significantly. Brain measurements performed indicated a decreased response of hearing stimulation to tinnitus frequency for the treated group. For the other control groups, a contrary result was found.
Thérapie sonore pour les acouphènesv
H. Argstatter, A. Nickel, A. Rupp, S. Hoth, H. Bolay, Centre pour la recherche en musicothérapie de l' Université à Heidelberg
The German Centre for Music Therapy Research (DZM), in collaboration with the University of Heidelberg, has experimented with a new music therapy method to combat chronic tinnitus. The treatment concept is based on the integration of tinnitus into a musically controlled hearing process. Musical hearing exercises should also have a positive influence on the modified regions of the brain and thus lead to normalization. The results show encouraging successes.
Une étude neuro-scientifique prouve l'efficacité de la thérapie sonore en cas d'acouphènes
L'équipe des chercheurs a été récompensé avec le Sigrid et Viktor Dulger prix
The interdisciplinary study (duration 2 years) funded by the Klaus Tschira Foundation has proven the effectiveness of sound therapy in the case of chronic tinnitus. The working group of various German university clinics in collaboration with the music therapy research centre has for the first time been able to prove the effectiveness of the music therapy treatment method for tinnitus at the neuroscientific level using an optical imaging method. Dr. rer med. Christoph Krick and Prof. Dr. Hans Volker Bolay have demonstrated that microanatomical changes in the brain are clearly related to the drowsiness affected by clinical symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows that sound therapy reaches brain surfaces suspected of transmission amplifying relevant clinical symptoms. The Sigrid and Viktor Dulger Prize is awarded every two years for excellent and innovative research in the field of health with a special focus on practice.
Traitement des acouphènes avec des sons personnalisés
Jaime Pineda, Richard Moore, Erik Viirre, Departments of Cognitive Science, University of California, and School of Medicine, La Jolla, USA
Recent studies have indicated that the pathophysiological basis for tinnitus may be abnormal activity in the auditory areas of the brain rather than aberrant activity in the periphery. Tinnitus-related activity leads to changes in tonotopic representation in auditory cortex. However, such reorganization can be reversed through training-induced changes in the response pattern of cortical neurons. We address this problem by using customized sounds that reproduce the subjective experience to reduce overactive auditory circuits. The results of two preliminary studies indicate that customized sound therapy (CST*) aimed at this central dysfunction reduces tinnitus quickly and safely. Participants described immediate relief, showed changes on the Tinnitus Handicap Questionnaire, and reported changes in hearing threshold within 3 weeks. We also saw changes in the intensity dependence of the auditory N100 in tinnitus patients, supporting the idea that tinnitus reflects a reorganization of tonotopic maps in the auditory cortex. The main correlate of this reorganization was the enhanced contrast between responses to the perceived tinnitus pitch and tones approximately one octave lower. After 3 weeks of CST, the intensity dependence to the tinnitus pitch decreased, making these responses more similar to those from normal subjects responding to tones in the same frequency.