
Comunicati da altri paesi

Tinnitus - Pitido en los oídos, ¿cómo luchar contra

Tinnitus - Pitido en los oídos, ¿cómo luchar contra

¿Cómo luchar contra piti-dos, zumbidos y silbidos en los oídos? Después de 14 años de intensa investigación con el apoyo de expertos de re-nombre mundial se ha con-seguido un logro decisivo. Gracias al uso de Softlaser Therapy, desarrollada en Sui-za, ya se ha tratado con éxi-to a más de 40.000 personas…

Zumbido - Apito nos ouvidos, o que fazer em caso?

Zumbido - Apito nos ouvidos, o que fazer em caso?

O que fazer em caso de zumbido, seja ele apito, chi-ado ou assobio? Pesquisas desenvolvidas ao longo de 14 anos com o apoio de especialistas re-conhecidos mundialmente têm levado a uma impor-tante descoberta. Ao usar o Softlaser Therapy, um dispo-sitivo desenvolvido na Suíça, mais de 40 mil pessoas que sofrem com o zumbido já foram tratadas com sucesso…

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  • O que fazer em caso de zumbido, seja ele apito, chi-ado ou assobio? Pesquisas desenvolvidas ao longo de 14 anos com o apoio de especialistas re-conhecidos mundialmente têm levado a uma impor-tante descoberta. Ao usar o Softlaser Therapy, um dispo-sitivo desenvolvido na Suíça, mais de 40 mil pessoas que sofrem com o zumbido já foram tratadas com sucesso... [Dokument in neuem Fenster öffnen] vedere testo stampa originale ENT News, Pinpoint Scotland

Tinnitus - Ringing in the ears, what can be done?

Tinnitus - Ringing in the ears, what can be done?

What can be done about ringing, buzzing or whistling in the ears? 14 years of dedicated research with the support of leading global experts has led to a decisive breakthrough. Using Softlaser Therapy, developed in Switzerland , more than 40’000 affected people have already been treated successfully…

Tinnitus Self-help

Tinnitus Self-help

TinniTool is described as a revolutionary medical soft laser device developed in Switzerland by DisMark GmbH, conceived so that treatment can be carried out at home (without technical knowledge)… TinniTool is one of the first devices designed to present permanent relief of symptoms. It uses soft laser technology to recreate the natural photosynthesis occurring in nature and is completely safe and painless…

Tinnitus: Laser treatment, no technical knowledge necessary

Tinnitus: Laser treatment, no technical knowledge necessary

With this Swiss Soft Laser technology a solution was found for treating tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and similar inner ear disorders, such as partial deafness due to tinnitus, ear pressure, morbus Ménière (dizziness), acute hearing loss and hearing distortion…

Low Level Laser Therapy: Painless Non-Surgical Treatment

Low Level Laser Therapy: Painless Non-Surgical Treatment

…Even cases of long standing Tinnitus can be treated effectively with Low Level Laser Therapy. Clinical studies show that with laser therapy more than 26% of the patients report no more tinnitus, an additional 36% report a greater than 50% reduction in their Tinnitus and an additional 19% report some reduction up to 50% in their Tinnitus…

Tinnitus – Oorsuizen, wat kun je doen?

Tinnitus – Oorsuizen, wat kun je doen?

Wat kun je doen aan suizende, zoemende en fluitende geluiden in de oren? 14 jaar onderzoek met hulp van toonaange-vende experts in de wereld heft nu geleid tot een beslissende door-braak. Door S oftlaser Therapy, ontwikkeld in Zwitserland, zijn al meer dan 40.000 patiënten suc-cesvol behandeld…

Шум и свист в ушах

Шум и свист в ушах

Что делать против свиста и шума в ухе? Четырнадцать лет исследований при подд-ержке лучших международ-ных специалистов привели к значительному прогрессу. Благодаря терапии Softlaser , разработанной в Швейц-арии, более 40 000 человек с ушным шумом смогли от него избавиться.